TNR – Trap/Neuter/Return

TNR – Trap/Neuter/ReturnTrapping, neutering, and returning (TNR) feral cats back into their colonies so they no longer reproduce is one of our activities. This satisfies one long-term goal of reducing the feline population. Why is this the most effective way to reduce the over-population of cats? Studies have proven that removal of cats from colonies within an area creates a “vacuum-effect” that allows other cats or small animals to feed in that vicinity. The cats that find this food source will potentially be unhealthy cats that can promote the transmission of disease. Additionally, they will not be altered and will reproduce.Each female cat produces and average of 4.2 kittens per litter, with an average of two to three litters per year. Kittens produced from this chain can go into heat as early as 12-16 weeks old and will continue to reproduce. The average life-span of a feral cat is 4 years, where indoor cats can live for as long as 20 years.  

All cats trapped through TNR programs are not only altered to prevent further reproduction, but they are vaccinated against rabies, may be treated for ear mites if infected, and are ear-tipped to allow for easy identification in the future by trappers and animal control personnel. 